Thermostatic Mixing Valves

Thermostatic/Tempering Valves

The plumbing industry is changing rapidly, and Logan Plumbing Service like to keep up to date to give our customers more then just general plumbing. For over 10 years we have been a certified testing and service of thermostatic mixing valves.

A Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV) is a valve that blends hot water (stored at temperatures high enough to kill bacteria) with cold water to ensure constant, safe outlet temperatures preventing scalding. Commonly found in nursing homes,child care and disabled toilet blocks, fitted to showers and hand basins.

The TMV circulates and mixes hot and cold water and then distributes warm water at a temperature less than 50°C. The valve must be tested and maintained yearly by a qualified TMV license holder.

Tempering Valve 

Tempering Device has Similar working to a TMV but with out the Safety factor of Valve Failure which is Required where a TMV valve is installed.
A Tempering Device  is now a requirement for the new Hot water Installations  in the Australian Standards.

Hot water temperatures

The Australian Standard for hot water systems, AS/NZS 3500 requires water to be delivered to sanitary fixtures at temperatures that will minimise the risk of scalding, as follows—

“All new heated water installations shall, at the outlet of all sanitary fixtures used primarily for personal hygiene purposes, deliver heated water not exceeding—

 A required set temperature  degrees Celsius is for early childhood centres, primary and secondary schools and nursing homes or similar facilities for young, aged, sick or people with disabilities; and

 50 degrees Celsius in all other buildings.”